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Dual Enrollment

What is Dual Enrollment? 

Dual Enrollment allows high school students the opportunity to enroll in college classes while still attending high school.

How does Dual Enrollment work?

 All college credit hours earned through dual enrollment are simultaneously applied as high school credits – either as a core class or as an elective. All college coursework counts toward high school graduation and an AA, AS, or Certificate at the college level.

Students may work toward an AA degree, an AS degree, or an occupational program ending in industry certification


How do I know if I am eligible for Dual Enrollment?

Students must have a cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 or higher and college ready test scores to be eligible to work toward an AA or AS degree.

Students must have a cumulative GPA  of 2.0 or higher and take the TABE test to be eligible to enroll in an occupational program ending in certification.


Are there any test score requirements for Dual Enrollment? 


Reading – 106

Writing – 103

Math – 123



Reading – 24

English – 25

Math – MAT1033 - 24

Math – MAC1105 - 26.5



Reading – 19

English – 17

Math  - MAT1033 – 19

Math - MAC1105 - 21


How do I register for Dual Enrollment Classes?

Students who meet GPA and test score requirements for DE eligibility will complete the application for

South Florida State College.

SFSC will send all new students a welcome email with their student ID and other information.

Students will meet with a counselor to register for their classes. Classes will be reviewed and approved by HHS counselors.

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